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 ข้อมูลใหม่ เรื่องโรคมะเร็งเต้านม จาก ABC NEWS USA อ่านหัวข้อถัดไป
ผู้ตั้ง ข้อความ

เข้าร่วม: 10 ม.ค. 2008
ตอบ: 108
ที่อยู่ (จังหวัด): bangkok , Thailand

ตอบตอบเมื่อ: 15 ก.ค.2008, 10:45 pm ตอบโดยอ้างข้อความขึ้นไปข้างบน



very informtive news
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ข้อมูลจาก ABC NEWS



Last Update: Wednesday, November 15, 2006. 5:14pm (AEDT)

Researchers have found an association between breast cancer and the amount of red meat women consume. (ABC)

Study links red meat to breast cancer
A Harvard Medical School study has discovered a link between red meat consumption and breast cancer.

The researchers found that women who consumed more than one serving of red meat per day almost doubled their risk of developing some types of breast cancer, compared to those who ate fewer than three servings a week.

The epidemiological study assessed the diets of more than 90,000 pre-menopausal women in their 20s, 30s and 40s over 12 years.

The findings come after years of advertising promoting the health benefits of red meat and telling Australian women, in particular, to eat more iron-rich lamb and beef.

Research leader Eunyoung Cho says this is the first study to find an association between breast cancer and the amount of beef, pork, lamb or processed meat women consume.

"Pre-menopausal women who ate more than 1.5 serves of red meat per day experience almost double the risk of hormone receptor positive breast cancer, compared to those who ate less than three servings of red meat per week," she said.

Hormone receptor positive breast cancer is a type of cancer stimulated by female hormones such as oestrogen, and Dr Cho says there are several possible causes for the link.

"There are several possibilities - carcinogens found in cooked or processed red meat, hormone treatment of beef cattle and the type of iron found in red meat may be responsible for the association," she said.

Although Dr Cho concedes more research is needed to replicate the findings, she says the study provides some grounds for reconsidering the amount of red meat consumed.

"[There are] several reasons for women to reduce red meat intake - [it's] also associated with increased risk of colon cancer so I believe our findings provide another reason for women to reduce their red meat intake," she said.

Popular diets like the Atkins program and the top-selling CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet have been pushing the benefits of protein.

David Thompson, spokesman for Meat and Livestock Australia, which partly funded the CSIRO's study, says there have been many studies looking for a link between red meat and breast cancer and until now, none have found one.

"It is a concern because it's fuelling what will ultimately be shown to be unfounded community concern," he said.

"The recommendation of [eating meat] three to four times a week doesn't come from MLA, it comes from the National Dietary Guidelines, and these are the result of work by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care that take into account all of the scientific research in a whole range of foods."

Different meat choices

He also warns against thinking Australian women might face the same risk.

"The Americans consume a lot more processed meats, things like hot dogs, salamis, fermented meats, than we do in Australia," he said.

"Australians consume only very small quantities of those, so that's a major distinction.

"But also the leanness of the meat that we have in Australia - Americans like their meat fatty.

"Australians like their meat lean, and there's a very significant difference in the nutritional value of lean meat in comparison to what's typically consumed in the United States."

The National Breast Cancer Centre's acting deputy director, Alison Evansis, also urging caution.

She says the centre will continue to support the national dietary guidelines which recommend three to four servings of red meat each week as part of a balanced diet.

"In general terms, looking at all of those studies, it appears that dietary intake and the make-up of the diet has a lesser impact on the development of breast cancer than perhaps the development of other cancer types such as bowel cancer and also other chronic health conditions, such as heart disease," she said.

She says age and family history remain the key risk factors for breast cancer.

source from

ดูข้อมูลส่วนตัวส่งข้อความส่วนตัวMSN Messenger

เข้าร่วม: 10 ม.ค. 2008
ตอบ: 108
ที่อยู่ (จังหวัด): bangkok , Thailand

ตอบตอบเมื่อ: 16 ก.ค.2008, 8:19 pm ตอบโดยอ้างข้อความขึ้นไปข้างบน





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ดูข้อมูลส่วนตัวส่งข้อความส่วนตัวMSN Messenger

เข้าร่วม: 01 ส.ค. 2005
ตอบ: 4089

ตอบตอบเมื่อ: 25 ก.ค.2008, 2:09 pm ตอบโดยอ้างข้อความขึ้นไปข้างบน



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